Стипендіальна програма Тіля – гранти на самоосвіту в США

The Fellowship brings together some of the world’s most creative and motivated young people, and helps them bring their most ambitious projects to life. 

Thiel Fellows are given a grant of $100,000 to focus on their work, their research, and their self-education while outside of university.

Fellowship goals fall within three main areas:
– Value creation: In two years, create value by forging a self-designed path opening up opportunities for yourself, others, and beneficiaries that were previously not available.
– Bold Leadership: In two years, take meaningful risks and lead others to pursue your vision. In ten years, become an acknowledged authority within your field.
– Meaningful community: In two years, build a fulfilling community to take with you post fellowship.
Read more: http://www.thielfellowship.org/about/about-the-fellowship/


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